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9781476787558: Green Hills of Africa: The Hemingway Library Edition
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Green Hills of Africa INTRODUCTION

A WISE MAN ONCE WROTE that hunting is “the old religion.”1 He used the word religion in the sense of the Latin term religio, meaning to bind people together through repeated rituals. Hunting big game, one of mankind’s oldest pursuits, appears in our earliest artistic expressions—the magnificent cave paintings in France and Spain and the petroglyphs of southern and eastern Africa. Hunting was a key activity in ancient societies. It was more than simply a means of sustenance or, as in later times, a way to procure a trophy for display. Take the central place of the American bison in the lives of the first peoples of North America—particularly the Plains Indian tribes who exploited every part of the animal for many uses, from food, clothing, and shelter to tools, medicine, and cultural rituals. On a recent trip to Montana, I stood on the edge of a buffalo jump and looked out across the vast plain that stretched so far that I could see the curvature of the earth. I tried to envision the plain teeming with buffalo, once the most populous large mammal on the planet, and the great hunts that brought down those massive woolly creatures with nothing but the simplest weapons and human ingenuity. It is a sight now left only to the imagination.

Twentieth-century African big-game trophy hunting was practiced for the most part by a small group of some of the wealthiest people in the world; but it carried on, if distantly, the tradition of the royal lion hunts of the ancient Persian and Macedonian kings, which were heralded in art and song as signs of the kings’ strength, bravery, and achievement. For Ernest Hemingway, hunting dangerous game in Africa was a personal test of courage, and hunting was for him one of life’s great pleasures. No small part of the achievement of Green Hills of Africa is the way that Hemingway’s writing brings alive for the reader the experience of being part of a motorcar safari on the Serengeti Plains in the 1930s and what it was like to hunt at that time in the Edenic paradise of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. On one level, Green Hills of Africa belongs to a tradition of African hunting safari writing, along with such works as Frederick Selous’s A Hunter’s Wanderings in Africa (1881) and Theodore Roosevelt’s African Game Trails (1910).2 However, it is also a departure from these earlier works, since Hemingway wrote it as a novel that combined the act of hunting on safari with the author’s thoughts on literature and writing. Green Hills of Africa did much to shape the impression of Africa in the minds of its readers, especially those in America and Europe.

Going on an African safari was a major undertaking in the 1930s. Hemingway had probably dreamed of hunting in Africa ever since Teddy Roosevelt returned from his African safari in 1910. His own plans finally materialized in 1930 when Gus Pfeiffer, the wealthy uncle of Hemingway’s wife Pauline (see Figure 1), offered to underwrite the exorbitant cost of such an endeavor.3 The journey started in Key West on August 4, 1933, when Ernest and Pauline Hemingway and their sons Jack and Patrick, along with Pauline’s sister, Jinny, boarded a steamer to Havana, Cuba, a country in the midst of a violent revolution. In Green Hills of Africa, Hemingway alludes to the coup that ousted Cuban president Gerardo Machado y Morales (an early draft of the scene appears in Appendix IV of this edition).4 Ernest and Pauline left Havana on August 7 to begin their weeklong transatlantic crossing aboard the Riena de la Pacifica, bound for Madrid.5 Ernest remained in Madrid until late October, preparing for the African expedition, writing, and acquiring new, custom-made leather hunting boots. Pauline, Jinny, and the children went on to Paris, where Pauline made her own preparations for the trip—purchasing a grand traveling jacket, new pajamas, and, among other items, bathrobes for her and Ernest.6 In Spain, Hemingway took the opportunity to hunt partridge and wild boar to break in his boots before rejoining Pauline. Charles Thompson (Karl in Green Hills of Africa), their friend and neighbor from Key West, flew to Paris to join them in November. Shortly before setting out for Africa on November 22, Ernest and Pauline dined with James and Nora Joyce in Paris. Joyce envied them for their impending African adventure and wondered to Hemingway if his own writing was not too suburban. Even Nora exclaimed that perhaps her husband could do with “a spot of that lion hunting.”7

In planning for the penultimate leg of the journey aboard the SS General Metzinger from the port of Marseille, France, to Mombasa, Kenya, Hemingway made a list of their twenty-one pieces of luggage: seven suitcases (three for Charles and four for Ernest and Pauline), five gun cases, one tackle box, one rod case, one gun-cleaning-rod case, one camera case, one trunk, one hatbox, one duffel bag, one shell box, and one zipper bag.8 Charles and Ernest each brought .30-06 Springfield rifles (see Figure 6) modified by Griffin and Howe, and Pauline brought her Mannlicher-Schönauer 6.5mm rifle (see Figure 5). Ernest had decided that if they should need a double-barreled .470 rifle for large, dangerous game, they could rent one from the safari outfit. For bird shooting he brought his Winchester 12 gauge shotgun and Pauline’s Darme 28 gauge double-barreled shotgun.9

While cruising the Red Sea aboard the Metzinger, Hemingway wrote to his five-year-old son, Patrick, that the weather had been cold and rainy on the Mediterranean Sea and then hot in Egypt, and that they saw camels in the desert while passing through the Suez Canal. He compared the landscape, dotted with palm trees and Australian pines, to that of Key West.10 On December 8, 1933, Ernest, Pauline, and Charles Thompson arrived in Mombasa, where they spent the night at the Palace Hotel.11 The next morning they boarded a Kenya-Uganda Railways train for a 330-mile overnight journey to Nairobi. At the New Stanley Hotel in Nairobi, Hemingway finalized the safari arrangements with Tanganyika Guides and secured the services of Philip Percival, who had served as Teddy Roosevelt’s professional hunter and hosted many other prominent and wealthy American clients such as George Eastman and Alfred Vanderbilt (grandson of Cornelius).12 As Percival was not available until December 20, Tanganyika Guides provided some local hunting excursions for antelope and birds on the Kapiti Plain, where Ernest shot a kongoni, a subspecies of hartebeest (see his safari notes of December 15 in Appendix II). Finally, on December 20, nearly a month after they had left Paris, the Hemingways, Charles Thompson, and Philip Percival set out from Percival’s farm for the Tanganyika border.

The Great Rift Valley of East Africa, formed at the end of the Cretaceous period after the demise of the dinosaurs, is a complex, unique environment that provides a diverse landscape for plants and animals.13 As Hemingway notes in his second Tanganyika Letter (see Appendix III), the Serengeti in the 1930s was the premier hunting ground for lions. In the first two weeks they saw eighty-three lions (see Figures 2–4), which was not unusual, and was an indication that at the top of the food chain the ecosystem was working smoothly. As there was an abundance of game, their quota of trophies (see Appendix II and Figure 14 for Hemingway’s final list of the haul) did not unfavorably impact the sustainability of wildlife. However, this special environment was already threatened by human encroachment, as Hemingway alludes in Green Hills of Africa when Philip Percival suggests that Ernest could always sell a rhinoceros horn if he wanted to do so. It is, indeed, tragic that over the past decades rhinoceroses have been driven out of Tanzania—and, for that matter, can hardly be found in the wild anywhere in Africa. They have been annihilated through systematic poaching with automatic weapons. It is feared that the elephant is on a similar trajectory.14 Many of the places that my grandfather hunted are now national parks and world heritage sites where visitors may only observe—not hunt—wildlife.

The supplementary material included in this new edition of Green Hills of Africa begins with the safari journal (see Figure 12) kept by my grandmother, Pauline Pfeiffer Hemingway, and published here in its entirety for the first time. My uncle Patrick remembers that my grandfather asked my grandmother to keep the journal, which he used as a reference when he wrote Green Hills of Africa. Ernest Hemingway had an exceptionally fine memory, and, as Philip Percival later remarked, he did not generally take notes during the safari.15 Some of the very few notes that he did make were jotted down in the endpapers of a bird book that he had bought in Nairobi (see Figure 13). A transcription of these notes is included in Appendix II of this edition. In addition to the counts of game sightings and animals shot, there is a remarkable description of lions on a wildebeest kill that reads like a National Geographic documentary on African wildlife. It includes my grandfather’s acutely observed description of the tender interaction between lioness and lion.

Pauline’s journal records the day-to-day activities of the safari, especially the game pursued and killed. Pauline studied writing at the University of Missouri and received her undergraduate degree in journalism. Before marrying, she was a professional freelance writer and wrote for Vogue magazine in Paris and Vanity Fair. Her viewpoint is quite different from Ernest’s, and her journal adds a fresh perspective and a wealth of additional information recorded on the day each event occurred. How enchanting is her description of sitting on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater on Christmas Eve and looking out for the first time at the thousands of animals grazing below in a rainy mist. Elsewhere she whimsically likens Mount Kilimanjaro to the Cheshire Cat in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland when she describes the way its looming mass appears and disappears on the horizon.

Pauline originally planned to be on safari for only one month (see Appendix II, Ernest Hemingway’s introductory letter) and to spend the remaining time abroad with friends while Ernest continued to hunt for another month with Charles.16 Her primary interest in the safari was sharing the experience with her husband, not securing animal trophies (see Figure 14). Having hunted with Ernest in Montana and Wyoming, she was well aware of the skills and stamina that such an activity required. In her journal, she writes honestly of her difficulties with shooting big game, but maintains a sense of humor about it. She describes her “characteristic good shot, just a l-i-t-t-l-e high, or low or right or left.” Pauline also vividly recounts shooting (and missing) her first lion, featured in Green Hills as P.O.M.’s lion, and later describes with evident satisfaction the time she successfully shot another, which is not mentioned in Hemingway’s novel.

Pauline’s journal provides details of the safari that Hemingway chose to leave out of Green Hills of Africa and confirms others, such as his fear of snakes. She observes how Ernest missed his mark many times at the beginning of the safari, and she records Philip Percival’s comment that everyone misses when they first come out on safari. Early on, she describes an embarrassing moment when Ernest leaves his loaded rifle uncocked on the hood of the car while out hunting. It fell off the hood and landed stock first, discharging and nearly killing him, leaving them both shaken. This real-life scenario sparked the idea for the accidental shooting in Hemingway’s short story “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.” Pauline also records in detail the progress of Ernest’s dysentery, which had a significant impact on the safari but is only alluded to in the book.17 She writes that his condition got so bad that he had to be flown to Arusha and that it worsened as they waited for the pilot, Fatty Pearson, who finally arrived and flew Hemingway to safety.18 The episode, as recounted by Pauline, was the real-life inspiration for a similar scene in “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” No doubt Hemingway did not want to dwell on the hazards and uncomfortable aspects of dysentery in his book, fearing it would not sustain the reader’s interest. Instead, he wrote briefly and comically about the debilitating effects of the disease in his first Tanganyika Letter for the then newly established Esquire magazine, which is included in Appendix III of this edition.

Like the observant, nimble Vogue writer she was, Pauline notes in her journal that her nail polish fades within a few hours from the extreme heat and the bright African sunlight. She candidly admits that she does not enjoy the long, dusty rides in the motor vehicles and, after several weeks in the bush as the only female in the group, writes of her dark mood. Growing up very close to her sister, Jinny, she most likely was missing female companionship and was understandably tired of prolonged travel in a remote land. My grandmother was a private person, and is the least understood of Hemingway’s wives. Even in her journal, she chooses not to share deeply personal reflections. Gender stereotyping and a lack of knowledge about her nature has led some scholars to characterize Pauline’s time on the safari as unhappy and ill-fitted to her chic Parisian lifestyle. They see her as merely playing the role of dutiful wife, misinterpreting Hemingway’s comical moniker P.O.M.—“Poor Old Mama”—in Green Hills of Africa, which was intended as the counterpart to “Poor Old Papa.”19 On the contrary, my grandmother wrote to her mother-in-law in January 1934 describing how she and Ernest had never had a more perfect time together.20 She notes that he looks marvelous after having lost so much weight from the dysentery, and that his physique is as hard as nails from all of the hunting.21 While on the mend in his bed at the New Stanley Hotel in Nairobi, Ernest wrote to his editor, Maxwell Perkins, that Pauline was thrilled with the country.22 My uncle Patrick and my father, Gregory, shared the impression of the safari as a happy period in my grandparents’ married life. They grew up listening to stories of that remarkable adventure and lived with the multitude of African hunting trophies displayed in their home in Key West and afterward at the Finca Vigía in Cuba.23 Both sons would later go to East Africa to see it for themselves and hunt. Patrick, who also learned how to hunt African big game from Philip Percival, was a successful professional hunter in Tanganyika for many years.24

A romantic vision of Green Hills of Africa as the pursuit of happiness was passed down to my generation. My father, wanting to share the beauty of East Africa with us, took our family on safari when I was only seven years old, and my parents hunted with my uncle Patrick in Tanzania. As a young man I went on photographic safaris in South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, and later visited Madagascar, parts of North Africa, and, again, East Africa with my wife. The most vivid and life-changing experience for me was the summer I spent as an apprentice photographic safari guide with Norman Carr in the South Luangwa Valley in Zambia. There, on the southern end of the Great Rift, I lived in the bush for three months and got to know the rhythms of the African wild. Encountering a leopard sitting high in a fig tree with its big yellow eyes shaded from the sun and its tail twitching on alert, walking through Mopane woodlands and sighting a flock of Lilian’s lovebirds chattering in a bush that shimmered electric green from their constant movement, and looking an elephant in the eye on a moonlit night are...
Présentation de l'éditeur :
The most intimate and elaborately enhanced addition to the Hemingway Library series: Hemingway’s memoir of his safari across the Serengeti—presented with archival material from the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library, and with the never-before-published safari journal of Hemingway’s second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer.

First published in 1935, Green Hills of Africa is Ernest Hemingway’s lyrical account of his safari in the great game country of East Africa with his wife Pauline. Hemingway’s fascination with big-game hunting is magnificently captured in this evocative narrative of his trip. In examining the poetic grace of the chase, and the ferocity of the kill, Hemingway looks inward, seeking to explain the lure of the hunt and the primal undercurrent that comes alive on the plains of Africa. Green Hills of Africa is also an impassioned portrait of the glory of the African landscape, and of the beauty of a wilderness that was, even then, being threatened by the incursions of man. Hemingway’s rich description of the land and his passion for hunting combine to give Green Hills of Africa the immediacy of a deeply felt individual experience that is the hallmark of the greatest travel writing.

This new Hemingway Library Edition offers a fresh perspective on Hemingway’s classic travelogue with a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, the author’s sole surviving son, who, himself, spent many years as a professional hunter in East Africa; a new introduction by Seán Hemingway, grandson of the author; and published for the first time in its entirety the African journal of Hemingway’s wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, which provides new insight into the experiences that shaped her husband’s craft.

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurScribner
  • Date d'édition2015
  • ISBN 10 1476787557
  • ISBN 13 9781476787558
  • ReliureRelié
  • Nombre de pages304
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Hemingway, Ernest
Edité par Scribner (2015)
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Hemingway, Ernest
Edité par Scribner (2015)
ISBN 10 : 1476787557 ISBN 13 : 9781476787558
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Ernest Hemingway
Edité par Scribner Book Company (2015)
ISBN 10 : 1476787557 ISBN 13 : 9781476787558
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Description du livre Hardcover. Etat : new. Hardcover. The most intimate and elaborately enhanced addition to the Hemingway Library series: Hemingway's memoir of his safari across the Serengeti--presented with archival material from the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library, and with the never-before-published safari journal of Hemingway's second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer. First published in 1935, Green Hills of Africa is Ernest Hemingway's lyrical account of his safari in the great game country of East Africa with his wife Pauline. Hemingway's fascination with big-game hunting is magnificently captured in this evocative narrative of his trip. In examining the poetic grace of the chase, and the ferocity of the kill, Hemingway looks inward, seeking to explain the lure of the hunt and the primal undercurrent that comes alive on the plains of Africa. Green Hills of Africa is also an impassioned portrait of the glory of the African landscape, and of the beauty of a wilderness that was, even then, being threatened by the incursions of man. Hemingway's rich description of the land and his passion for hunting combine to give Green Hills of Africa the immediacy of a deeply felt individual experience that is the hallmark of the greatest travel writing. This new Hemingway Library Edition offers a fresh perspective on Hemingway's classic travelogue with a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, the author's sole surviving son, who, himself, spent many years as a professional hunter in East Africa; a new introduction by Sean Hemingway, grandson of the author; and published for the first time in its entirety the African journal of Hemingway's wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, which provides new insight into the experiences that shaped her husband's craft. Hemingway's well-documented fascination with big-game hunting is magnificently captured amidst rich descriptions of the beauty and strangeness of East Africa, where he and his wife, Pauline, journeyed in December of 1933. An impassioned portrait of the glory of the African landscape, this immediate and deeply felt account has all of the hallmarks of the most evocative travel writing. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability. N° de réf. du vendeur 9781476787558

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Hemingway, Ernest
Edité par Scribner (2015)
ISBN 10 : 1476787557 ISBN 13 : 9781476787558
Neuf Couverture rigide Quantité disponible : 1
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Books Unplugged
(Amherst, NY, Etats-Unis)
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Description du livre Etat : New. Buy with confidence! Book is in new, never-used condition 1.4. N° de réf. du vendeur bk1476787557xvz189zvxnew

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Hemingway, Ernest
Edité par Scribner Book Company (2015)
ISBN 10 : 1476787557 ISBN 13 : 9781476787558
Neuf Couverture rigide Quantité disponible : 1
Vendeur :
Front Cover Books
(Denver, CO, Etats-Unis)
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Description du livre Etat : new. N° de réf. du vendeur FrontCover1476787557

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